Till we meet again

Staff Writer
Echo Pilot

At the risk of blowing the Old Home Week horn again, we can’t help but give the 2010 celebration one more shout out. A note left in a suggestion box was of great encouragement to the members of the 38th Triennial Old Home Week committee as they met Monday evening for the final time.

Following some suggestions made, the person wrote “if you don't change a thing in the coming years, I will still think OHW is perfect.”

Wow! What an endorsement!

We’re not exactly sure why this Old Home Week was such a “grand success.” That was a phrase used in the 1905 Echo Pilot in describing the second edition of Old Home Week in 1905. One-hundred-five years later the spirit of the event is as strong as ever. Maybe in our modern world, people need that sense of “hometown” all the more.

Perfect, probably not. Near perfect, most definitely. We can’t help but smile thinking of the memories made this time around. We hope everyone got that same feeling and we all carry that through till next we meet again for Old Home Week.