EDITORIAL: Thank you, Mr. Sellers

Staff Writer
Echo Pilot

It is with great sadness that we include the obituary of Les Sellers in this edition of the Echo Pilot. Anytime we lose a citizen, we mourn. Anytime we lose a veteran, we pay special tribute. Mr. Sellers was both, however this man was special to us here at the paper. You even read about him just last week on the front page.

Unfortunately we didn’t know Mr. Sellers well until a couple of years ago. And we met him every much by accident. Some researchers in Holland were seeking information on a U.S. solider from Greencastle who was one of those hidden by the Dutch resistance during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. They emailed us and we made the connection. We did a story on Sellers’ interesting war experiences. Last week we did another story on a book that has been written about his life.

We are glad that Sellers’ story has been told for all to read and that we played some part in sharing the experiences of a veteran. His passing will leave a private void for his family and friends. It also takes from our community a true hero. Hopefully we always remember his and all veterans’ sacrifices for our liberty. Thank you, Mr. Sellers!